here's a few projects i'm proud of.
it ain't much, but it's honest work.
likes. on solana
a solana web3 frontend project allowing users to look up a wallet address and like transactions on-chain. (devnet) github website
illini blockchain nft mint
an erc721 nft mint web app and contract for illini blockchain created to help students get onboarded onto ethereum. led 80+ students to learn about blockchain, decentralization, and web3 and also helped students get setup with a metamask wallet and walked away with an NFT. (rinkeby testnet) github website
a mentoring platform to help refugees globally get connected to mentors and discuss important topics such as navigating the immigration process and career building. built alongside a team of 8 members in hack4impact using nextJS, flask, and for messaging. github more info
a grade management platform allowing students to keep track of their classes, tentative grades, and GPA. built using the MERN stack. github